Ethan, Operations Associate, Age 22
I’m working for The 2030 Project because I strongly believe that a progressive Georgia will be a better Georgia! By flipping the state legislature, we can make Georgia a place where everyone feels safe and where everyone can be successful. With a Democratic state legislature, we can also restore abortion access, improve Georgia’s climate change resilience, and protect LGBTQ+ rights.
Vaneza, Communications Staffer, Age 22
I joined The 2030 Project because I believe in a better Georgia for everyone and this organization is fighting for just that! Every Georgian deserves exceptional leadership who will put their interests at the forefront. By flipping the GA State Legislature blue by 2030, key issues such as education, abortion, climate change, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights and so much more can be addressed effectively.
Megha, Communications Staffer, Age 20
I’m working for The 2030 Project because I strongly believe in our message of flipping the Georgia state legislature blue and creating a better Georgia for all! It’s important to create safe and accurate policies regarding gun safety, abortion access, affordable healthcare, and affordable housing along with a plethora of issues within the state. By flipping the legislature, policies will be created to help Georgians live safer lives and continue to thrive in a safe space within a government they trust.
Dylan, Communications & Presentation Staffer, Age 20
I joined The 2030 Project because I have seen inspiration from what other states can do when Democrats who believe in positive change are in power. The people in Georgia deserve better lives than what they have now, and for that to happen we need different leadership for the state. With The 2030 Project, we will be able to get Democrats in power in order to improve people's lives via housing, healthcare, and preserving their civil liberties.
Viveka, Presentation Staffer, Age 17
I joined The 2030 Project because I want to be an active part of the change I wish to see. As a high schooler who hasn’t even got the chance to cast her first ballot yet, I can’t find the words to express how inspired I am by the sincerity of this initiative to create a democratic, equitable home for ALL Georgians. Gerrymandering over the last two decades has resulted in moving the clock back on a lot of social justice causes I hold dear and I will not allow it to further divide us as a nation come 2030!